Website Management

Having a hard time keeping up with your website with your busy schedule?

For a little over $3 a day you can have us manage the day to day needs of your number one marketing asset. Our management program saves you thousands in wages, and keeps your site looking and running top notch.

Websites are often the most cost-effective and powerful tools for marketing and client retention, yet they are frequently overlooked. Many businesses create a new website only to realize they lack the time or expertise to effectively strategize and maintain it. As a result, the website becomes outdated and ineffective in just a few years.

We understand that managing your business is already a full-time job, and maintaining a website is one more system to maintain. Often, website management is delegated to office staff, which may not be the most efficient use of resources.

Our management program offer the benefit of having a web specialist on your team without the expense of hiring a full-time employee. For just $199 a month, you can enhance your team’s capabilities without adding pressure on your existing staff.


Here’s what you can expect from us…

We proactively seek ways to enhance every aspect of your comprehensive online strategy.


It’s easy to fall behind on the web, but you don’t have to. We’re here to stay ahead of the ever-evolving trends, understand their impact on your business and help you develop strategies to maximize your online presence.

A website that isn’t regularly updated will eventually resemble a messy, neglected house. While you can send us content to add anytime, we proactively check in each month to see if there are any updates or changes requested by you or your staff. This ensures your site remains relevant and supporting your customers efficiently.

We are always available to integrate your content. Many clients regularly need to update their websites with events, blog posts, price changes, and more. Simply send us the content, and we’ll handle the rest. Our professional graphic artists ensure that your updates seamlessly match your site’s design and graphical standards.

Many of our clients find working with images and graphics challenging, but we’re here to help. We size your photos and optimize them for the web, ensuring consistent image quality across your site and social channels. This consistency enhances the visual appeal of your site and strengthens your brand.

When you join our management program, you’ll have a dedicated point of contact. Your account representative becomes your go-to person, getting to know your website and business as a true member of your team.


New versions of WordPress and plugins can often cause website issues, but there’s no need to worry. With our staging technology, we can test new versions without any commitment. You can upgrade to the latest version, verify that everything looks good, and then apply the changes to your live site.

Nowadays, more and more sites are being secured with HTTPS:// in the address bar. As this becomes the standard, we’ll ensure your site is up to date with the latest SSL protection. Often, this requires us to rework parts of the site that aren’t secure, and we handle this at no additional cost to you.

With our Pro and Premium packages, you have the option to move your site to a high-end, WordPress-specific hosting environment that offers enhanced speed and security.

We conduct a broken link audit to ensure your site isn’t directing visitors to nonexistent pages or sites, which can harm your SEO ranking and frustrate your customers.

Many site owners overlook adding titles and descriptions to their pages, as well as the information needed for images and search engine crawlers. We conduct a comprehensive audit to review all basic SEO elements and ensure these critical items are properly addressed.

A reliable backup system has saved us countless times over the past 20 years, which is why we implement a three-tier backup approach: one on the site server, one in the cloud, and a hard static version for catastrophic loss.


WordPress frequently updates its base code, and it’s crucial to apply these updates to protect your site from potential security threats. Before updating, we perform a pre-backup to safeguard your data in case the new version conflicts with your theme, plugins, or code. Keeping your site and data secure is essential, and neglecting updates can have catastrophic consequences.

The function of the firewall is to block known and emerging attacks. Its learning mode allows the firewall to understand your site’s specific needs, ensuring normal visitors can access it while blocking threats. It also safeguards your site from password-guessing attacks by locking out attackers and preventing the use of weak passwords. If the firewall detects an issue, we immediately take action to eliminate the threat.

We install a monitor on your website that alerts us to any downtime. When a notification is received, we promptly address and resolve the issue.

We promptly apply critical security updates as soon as they are disclosed, ensuring your website remains protected from hackers attempting to exploit outdated plugins or themes.

In the event your website is hacked, our expert support team at WordPress will quickly and carefully remove the malware for you, free of cost to you.

Website Management Pricing


  • OVERVIEW: For clients that like to make most of their own updates. We make sure the site is secure and the coding is maintained and free of malware. If you ever need us to add content or make changes, you save 25% on our normal hourly rate.
  • Proactive Core Updates
  • 24/7 Uptime Monitoring
  • Plugin and Theme Patches
  • Malware Monitoring
  • Free SSL Certificate
  • Forward Looking Strategies
  • 3 Tier Backup
  • Basic SEO Audit
  • Broken Link Audit
  • n/a
  • n/a
  • n/a
  • n/a
  • n/a
  • n/a
  • n/a
  • n/a
  • n/a
  • n/a
  • Reduced hourly rate on all other work


  • OVERVIEW: For clients that make several changes to the site each month. We do all the day to day work like adding news stories, photos, making any changes you need. Plus we make sure the look and feel of the site stays consistent and professional.
  • Proactive Core Updates
  • 24/7 Uptime Monitoring
  • Plugin and Theme Patches
  • Malware Monitoring
  • Free SSL Certificate
  • Stress Free Staging Enviroment
  • 3 Tier Backup
  • Basic SEO Audit
  • Broken Link Audit
  • Deluxe Hosting Environment
  • Free Malware Removal
  • Stress Free Staging Environment
  • Proactive Checkins
  • We Add Your Content
  • Image Sizing and Creation
  • n/a
  • n/a
  • n/a
  • Plus 2 Hr / Web Design Ea. Mo.
  • Reduced hourly rate on all other work


  • OVERVIEW: For clients that make lots of changes to the site each month. We do all the day to day work like adding news stories, photos, making any changes you need. Plus we make sure the look and feel of the site stays consistent and professional.
  • Proactive Core Updates
  • 24/7 Uptime Monitoring
  • Plugin and Theme Patches
  • Malware Monitoring
  • Free SSL Certificate
  • Stress Free Staging Enviroment
  • 3 Tier Backup
  • Basic SEO Audit
  • Broken Link Audit
  • Deluxe Hosting Environment
  • Free Malware Removal
  • Stress Free Staging Environment
  • Proactive Checkins
  • We Add Your Content
  • Image Sizing and Creation
  • Project Assistance
  • Advanced SEO Strategies
  • Attend Meetings
  • Plus 4 Hr / Web Design Ea. Mo.
  • Reduced hourly rate on all other work